Mushroom Wild Rice Soup

The weather is getting chilly out there! Along with bulky sweaters and fuzzy boots comes warm hearty meals. It’s that time of year when we clean the grill and put the cover on for awhile in exchange for the stove and oven.

I love making soups because they are so versatile. There isn’t really a single ingredient that you can’t incorporate into some type of stew/soup/broth. Also, did I mention easy leftovers for the week? Most of the time I make soup recipes I have at least one meals worth of leftovers for lunch the next day or dinner later in the week.


  • 1 cup of wild rice
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • fresh thyme
  • 1oz dried porcini mushrooms and liquids
  • 1 package crimini mushrooms
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 leek
  • 2 Tablespoons of flour
  • 1 cup white wine
  • 3 cups veggie broth
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1/2 cup half and half
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • parmesan cheese for topping


  1. Boil 1 Cup of wild rice with 1 clove of garlic and 2 sprigs of fresh thyme for 40-45 mins and strain.
  2. Soak the porcini mushrooms in one cup of water for about 15 minutes until they are soft. Reserve the liquid for the soup broth.
  3. Sauté the leek, carrot, garlic, 1 container of crimini mushrooms until soft. Add porcini mushrooms, s&p, and tomato paste.
  4. Stir in the flour until combined with other ingredients and add the white wine until alcohol is cooked off.
  5. Add the veggie broth and reserved mushroom juices and bring to a boil for approximately 15 minutes. Once reduced add the rice and remove from heat to cool.
  6. Add the half and half as well as soy sauce and serve with a dash of parmesan cheese on top.